The Penn State student code of conduct includes a section entitled Violations of Academic Integrity. When a faculty member believes that a student has engaged in behavior included in this code, they are both required to participate in the academic integrity process as outlined in the G-9 procedures designed by the Faculty Senate. The code of conduct may be found at G-9 Procedures are located at
Information for Student:
A faculty member/instructor has made an allegation that you have participated in behavior which violates Code #10 Violations of Academic Integrity of the University’s code of conduct. Following these instructions is a form where the faculty has identified the concerning behavior. They will also share with you any supportive documentation which led to the allegation. Also listed on the form is an academic sanction that the faculty member believes appropriate for the behavior. An academic sanction is a penalty that could affect either a specific assignment, test, or project or may affect the overall final grade for the course.
It is important that throughout this process you continue to participate in the class until your case is closed. Students are not permitted to drop a course once an allegation has been made that an academic integrity violation occurred. If you are a student in the Schreyer Honors College, you should consult the College guidelines concerning academic integrity violations. The Schreyer Honors College may impose additional sanctions on its students.
As a participant in the academic integrity process you have the right to:
- Discuss your view of the incident with the faculty member
- Review all evidence and documentation which supports the allegation
- Seek advice from an advisor chosen by you who is an administrative, faculty or student member of the University community
- Receive a completed copy of the Academic Integrity Form that indicates both the alleged violation(s) and the recommended sanction(s)
- Not sign the Academic Integrity Form by the deadline below; however, if you do not sign and return the form, the adjudication process will go forward following campus or college procedures
Upon receipt of the form you have five (5) business days to:
- Accept the allegation(s) and academic sanction(s), or
- Contest the allegation(s) and/or academic sanction(s)
If you accept the allegation(s) and academic sanction(s), your case is closed unless you have previous academic integrity violations, in which case the sanction(s) that you received may increase after the campus or college Academic Integrity Committee reviews the case. If a sanction is changed due to a prior academic integrity violation you will be issued a new Academic Integrity Form and you will have the opportunity again to accept or contest the allegation(s) as well as the increase in sanction(s). If you choose again to accept, your case will be closed.
If you contest the allegation(s) and/or academic sanction(s), your case will be reviewed by the campus or college Academic Integrity Committee in accordance with its specific procedures. You will be able to provide to the campus or college committee your view of what occurred, as well as question and respond to all information provided in support of the allegation. If this review finds you responsible for committing an academic integrity violation, the academic sanction recommended by the Academic Integrity Committee will be imposed. You can appeal the sanction only when the academic sanction assigned is a dismissal from your academic program.
Disciplinary sanction(s):
On occasion, due to the seriousness of the alleged violation, a faculty member may recommend and/or an Academic Integrity Committee may determine that, in addition to any academic sanction(s), disciplinary sanction(s) should be assigned. At the conclusion of the college or campus committee process, the case will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct or OSC designee. Disciplinary sanctions include: Disciplinary Warning, Disciplinary Probation, Disciplinary Suspension, Indefinite Expulsion or Expulsion; or the "XF" transcript notation. Disciplinary sanction(s) are assigned by the Office of Student Conduct. You may review its process at
Your completed form should be returned to the Office of the Director of Academic Affairs, 212 Main Bldg. If you have questions about this process, please contact Dr. Julie Stanton, [email protected].